Tuesday, October 15th, 2024

08:30 h – 10:00 h

Registration and Networking
at Adlon Kempinski, Berlin

10:00 h – 11:00 h

Official Opening

Mr. Abdulaziz Al Mikhlafi
Mr. Abdulaziz Al MikhlafiSecretary General of the Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mr. Olaf Hoffmann
Mr. Olaf HoffmannPresident of the Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry/ Chairman of Dorsch Global
H.E. Prof. Dr. Edgar Franke
H.E. Prof. Dr. Edgar FrankeParliamentary State Secretary in the German Federal Ministry of Health, MdB
Mr. Roland Göhde
Mr. Roland GöhdeChairman of the Board of GHA

11:00 h – 12:00 h

Panel 1: “Joint Health Ventures: Strengthening Arab-German Health Partnerships”


Dr. Philipp Stompfe
Dr. Philipp StompfeAttorney at Law, Stompfe International Law Firm


Dr. Manfred Elff
Dr. Manfred ElffMember of the Management Board, BIOTRONIK Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Dr. Gerald Heigis
Dr. Dr. Gerald HeigisCEO of Biotech & Capital Consulting GmbH
Mr. Stefan Friedrich
Mr. Stefan FriedrichPartner at KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Dr. med Ali Saad Merzah (Alaraji)
Dr. med Ali Saad Merzah (Alaraji)Cardio-Thorasic-Tranaplantation Surgery, Hannover Medical School (MHH)

12:00 h – 13:30 h

Networking Lunch

13:30 h – 14:15 h

Panel 2: “Fostering Advancements in Medical Research and Biotechnology: The Interplay of Research, Policy, and Intellectual Property”


Dr. Claus Biermann MD MPH
Dr. Claus Biermann MD MPHSenior Advisor, Biermann Consulting


Dr. Redouane Soualmi
Dr. Redouane SoualmiHead Public/Gov. Affairs IMETA, Boehringer Ingelheim Middle East & North Africa
Ms. Ida Shaef
Ms. Ida ShaefCSO & Co-Founder, PRAMOMOLECULAR GmbH
Mr. Driss Boudeffa
Mr. Driss BoudeffaBusiness Development & Strategic Partnerships Manager for South Europe, East Europe Middle East & Africa, Sartorius
Prof. Dr. Mahdi Ahmed Kadry
Prof. Dr. Mahdi Ahmed KadryCardiac, Thoracic, Vascular and General Surgeon

14:15 h – 14:45 h

Networking Break

14:45 h – 15:45 h

Panel 3: “Transformative Technologies: Future of Robotics and Machinery in Health Industry”


Dr. Claus Biermann MD MPH
Dr. Claus Biermann MD MPHSenior Advisor, Biermann Consulting


Prof. Dr. Steffen Hamm
Prof. Dr. Steffen HammSenior Advisor Healthcare Management, Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule (OTH), Co-Founder of IFOHRA GmbH
Mr. Tobias Seidl
Mr. Tobias SeidlFounder and CEO Nia Health GmbH
Mr. Klaus Tenderich
Mr. Klaus TenderichCSO & co-Founder, Cardisio
Mr. Wassim Saeidi
Mr. Wassim SaeidiCEO, United Robotics Group Health & Food

15:45 h – 16:00 h

Special Topic: Sustainable Investments in Health: A Driver for Employment, Resilience, and Growth – Facts and Figures for the Gulf Region

Dr. Richard Scholz
Dr. Richard ScholzHead of Impact Analysis, WiFOR

16:00 h – 16:45 h

Panel 4: “Strategic Alliances in Medical Tourism: Enhancing Healthcare Experiences and Economic Opportunities between Arab Countries and Germany”


Mr. Stefan Boeckle
Mr. Stefan BoeckleInternational Relations Director, Kliniken Schmieder (Stiftung & Co.) KG


Mr. Stefan Boeckle
Mr. Stefan BoeckleInternational Relations Director, Kliniken Schmieder (Stiftung & Co.) KG
Ms. Ibtehaj Al Ahmadani
Ms. Ibtehaj Al AhmadaniBoard Member and Head of Health Committee at Qatar Chamber
Eng. Slaiman Alhomidan
Eng. Slaiman AlhomidanCommercial Attaché, Royal Embassay of Saudi Arabia
Dr. Götz Schmidt-Bremme
Dr. Götz Schmidt-BremmeAmbassador (ret.), Diplomatic Advisor, Medical Park Group
Ms. Mariam Asefi
Ms. Mariam AsefiDirector Medical Tourism Research Center | CEO Medical Trust, University Applied Science Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg

18:30 h – 21:00 h

Reception & Networking

Get Together at China Club, Behrenstraße 72, 10117 Berlin